Prof Lojkowski IWC Witold Łojkowski


A.Relevant activities:

Witold Łojkowski received his professor title in 2012. His main competence is application of nanoparticles, recently for scaffolds and implants. Synthesis and characterization of biocompatible nanoparticles, coating of polymers with nano- hydroxyapatite. As well as safety of nanoparticles handling in the laboratory space, their impact on the environment, life-cycle and fate. Regulatory and commercialization issues.


List up to 5 relevant publications in the field of thematic area:

  • Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, Size dependent density of zirconia nanoparticles, Agnieszka Opalińska, Iwona Malka, Wojciech Dzwolak, Tadeusz Chudoba, Adam Presz and Witold Łojkowski, , 2015, 6, 27-35. Open Access, doi: 10.3762/bjnano.6.4;
  • Journal of Tissue Engeineering and Regenerative Medicine, Comparative study of GoHAP-highly biocompatible, nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite to hydroxyapatite powder with the lowest commercially available particle size (nanoxim) for bone tissue engineering, M Kolodziejczyk, D Smolen, T Chudoba, I Malka, A Kedzierska, 2014, 8, 235-236, IF 4,43, 35 pkt,
  • Journal of Tissue Engeineering and Regenerative Medicine, First results of the bone tissue morphological evaluation after implantation of new polymer and tricalcium phosphate scaffolds coated with resorbable nano hydroxyapatite, I Salma, M Pilmane, J Locs, A Kedzierska, W Lojkowski, G Salms,. 2014, 8, 409-410, IF 4,43, 35 pkt.
  • Express Polymer Letters, Dispersing hydrophilic nanoparticles in hydrophobic polymers: HDPE/ZnO nanocomposites by a novel template-based approach, M. Salzano de Luna, M. Galizia, J. Wojnarowicz, R. Rosa, W. Lojkowski, D. Acierno, G. Filippone, C. Leonelli, Vol.8, No.5, 2014, 362–372, IF 2,8, 35 pkt.
  • Inorganics, High-Energy-Low-Temperature Technologies for the Synthesis of Nanoparticles: Microwaves and High Pressure, W. Lojkowski, C. Leonelli, T. Chudoba, J. Wojnarowicz, A. Majcher, A. Mazurkiewicz, 2014, 2, 606-619.

List of up to 5 relevant previous projects or activities, connected to the subject of this proposal:

Era-Net project SONOSCA: Sonochemical Method for Bone Regrowth Scaffold coating with nano-HAP. CePT –Centre for Preclinical Research and Technologies. SHYMAN-FP7 project, on scale up of production of nanoparticles using a Solvothermal process. Nanoforce, Central Europe project on enchancing nano-technology commercialization in Central Europe. M-era.NET project GOIMPLANT: “Tough, Strong and Resorbable Orthopedic Implants”.

Relevant Applied Activities( for companies, e.g. product, processes, etc):

Upgrading laboratory procedures to obtain ISO certificate for selected nano-particle characterization procedures. Offering nano-particles characterization by the laboratory on commercial bases. Small scale commercial sales of nano-particles for scientific research laboratories.